
Tender Years and Dark Sides: Eddie Lives?

It's pretty obvious that Eddie and the Cruisers are loosely based on Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band. Both are from New Jersey, both are fronted by brooding poets, both have kick-ass saxaphone players and both have lasting power. Sure, many will argue that only BRUUUUUCCCEEEE is king, but in the land of Courtasms, Eddie Wilson reigns supreme. Sure, Michael Pare didn't actually sing, but he sure looked good in those black shirts and jeans lipsynching to John Cafferty and the Brown Beaver Band. If you haven't seen it, give this movie a chance. It always satisfies and leaves you wanting to know more. Perhaps the sequel quenches that need for more, but I wouldn't know. For me, my tender years belong to the original Eddie and the Cruisers and the mystery that goes along with it...

Pleasure Rating:

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